Astrobee ISS Free-Flyer Datasets for Space Intra-Vehicular Robot Navigation Research

RA-L 2024 (IROS 2024)


We present the first annotated benchmark datasets for evaluating free-flyer visual-inertial localization and mapping algorithms in a zero-g spacecraft interior. The datasets were collected by the Astrobee free-flying robots that operate inside the International Space Station (ISS). Space intra-vehicular free-flyers face unique localization challenges: their IMU does not provide a gravity vector, their attitude is fully arbitrary, and they operate in a dynamic, cluttered environment. We extensively evaluate state-of-the-art visual navigation algorithms on these challenging Astrobee datasets, showing superior performance of classical geometry-based methods over recent data-driven approaches. The datasets include monocular images and IMU measurements, with multiple sequences performing a variety of maneuvers and covering four ISS modules. The sensor data is spatio-temporally aligned, and extrinsic/intrinsic calibrations, ground-truth 6-DoF camera poses, and detailed 3D CAD models are included to support evaluation.


Our datasets consist of various intra-vehicular activities of Astrobee free-flying robots currently operating on the ISS between May 13, 2019 and July 14, 2022. The datasets are collected inside the largest single ISS module, the Japanese experiment module (JEM) nicknamed Kibo, and contain ground-truth 6-DoF camera poses.

Test and Debugging
sequence duration(s) Download Original bag file
 td_roll 63 link link
 td_pitch 75 link link
 td_yaw 50 link link
 td_dock 98 link link
sequence duration(s) Download Original bag file
 cal_checkerboard 460 link link
 cal_ARtag 495 link link
Intra-Vehicular Activity
sequence duration(s) Download Original bag file
 iva_kibo_trans 229 link link
 iva_kibo_rot 196 link link
 iva_hatch_inspection1 403 link link
 iva_hatch_inspection2 521 link link
 iva_watch_queenbee 236 link link
 iva_robot_occulusion 192 link link
 iva_ARtag 62 link link
 iva_badlocal_rotation 313 link link
 iva_badlocal_descend 244 link link
Free Flight
sequence duration(s) Download Original bag file
 ff_return_journey_forward 402 link link
 ff_return_journey_up 413 link link
 ff_return_journey_down 398 link link
 ff_return_journey_left 303 link link
 ff_return_journey_right 328 link link
 ff_return_journey_rot 108 link link
 ff_JEM2USL_dark 32 link link
 ff_USL2JEM_bright 92 link link
 ff_nod2_dark 296 link link
 ff_nod2_bright 162 link link

We also offer detailed 3D CAD models for evaluation. You can download the 3D CAD models for the JEM, USLab, and Node 2 modules. For more CAD models of various modules, please refer to the original source link

Dataset Format

We provide each Astrobee sequence in the TUM RGB-D format in the following format:

  • description.yaml: a text file containing an overall description of the sequence (the name of the robot used, the original rosbag file, and the date of recording, etc.)
  • gray/: a folder containing all undistorted gray images (PNG format, 1 channel, 8-bit per channel)
  • gray_raw/: a folder containing all raw (distorted) gray images with FOV lens distortion
  • gray.txt: a text file with a consecutive list of all gray images (format: timestamp filename)
  • undistorted_calib.txt: a text file containing camera intrinsic parameters for undistorted gray images (format: fx fy cx cy)
  • distorted_calib.txt: a text file containing camera intrinsic parameters for distorted gray images with FOV lens distortion coefficient (format: fx fy cx cy w)
  • imu.txt: a text file containing the timestamped gyro and accelerometer measurements expressed in IMU body frame (format: timestamp wx wy wz ax ay az)
  • groundtruth.txt: a text file containing the ground-truth 6-DoF camera poses for all gray images stored as the timestamped translation vector and unit quaternion expressed in ISS world coordinate frame (format: timestamp tx ty tz qx qy qz qw)

Astrobee Platform

The Astrobee free-flying IVA robots used for dataset collection. This is the positions of the sensors and the rigid body transformations that link them.

  • NavCam provides monocular image sequences at 5 Hz.
  • IMU sensor is logged at 100Hz and expressed in IMU body cam.


  • Supplementary materials
  • A simple MATLAB code for parsing datasets is available.
  • For four sequences(iva_hatch_inspection1, iva_hatch_inspection2, iva_watch_queenbee, iva_robot_occulusion), certain occlusions and limited viewpoints make generating ground truth challenging. Instead, we provide an AstroLoc trajectory as a baseline.
  • The current maintainers are Jungil Ham ( and Suyoung Kang (


If you use this work or find it helpful, we will be happy if you cite us! : (bibtex)

         title = {Astrobee ISS Free-Flyer Datasets for Space Intra-Vehicular Robot Navigation Research},
         author = {Kang, Suyoung and Soussan, Ryan and Lee, Daekyeong and Coltin, Brian and Vargas, Andres Mora and Moreira, Marina and Hamilton, Kathryn and Garcia, Ruben and Bualat, Maria and Smith, Trey and others},
         journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
         year = {2024},


We thank the ISS program and astronauts for their support of Astrobee operations. This work was funded in part by the Game Changing Development Program in the NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate. This work was authored by employees of KBR Wyle Services, LLC under Contract No. 80ARC020D0010 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The United States Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner. Pyojin Kim was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. NRF-2021R1F1A1061397).